Moving To Two Services
Now that we have begun offering two services on Sunday morning, I think it would be helpful to remind everyone again of the purpose for doing so. Over the last few years Pastor Randy, the Pastoral Staff, and the Pastoral Council recognized the need for our church to move to two services if we want to continue to grow and reach the island with the gospel. Although 2020 has presented many challenges, it has also provided the right time for us to make this move. Initially, two services were our only options for health and safety purposes, but as we continue to re-gather it has become clear that this is the best way forward for our church. Here are a few reasons for making the unified move around the mission of God through two services:
1. We started a second service to be wise stewards of our finances and to make access to our church easier for our community. By offering two services we can provide space for growth without having to build a new sanctuary. Consequently, those funds can go to maintain the properties we do have while also providing future facilities for our children and youth programs. Furthermore, by offering two services we maximize our parking space and allow room for visitors to be able to park in a convenient manner.
2. Offering two services keeps us from being complacent with where the Lord has brought us. To be on mission with Jesus Christ, we are to “seek and save the lost” and “make disciples of all nations” (Luke 19:10; Matthew 28:19). Thankfully, within our church there is a growing spirit of evangelism and a burden for the lost. We are recovering an excitement to reach our community for Christ, and it is showing. We have had visitors in almost every service since we began offering two morning services. Let’s keep at it!
3. Offering two services provides more opportunities for believers to serve in the life of the church because it requires more volunteers than ever. As the Apostle Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 12, each of us has gifts and abilities that are necessary for the church body to function as God intends. With two services you now have the opportunity to “sit one and serve one,” meaning you can attend one service and serve in the other service on the same day, That way, you can be spiritually nourished on a personal level and then have more to give to others. If you are not actively and consistently serving, then now is the time to step up and use your gifts for the good of the body.
4. We planted a second service to help prepare our people and train our leaders for planting a second church on island in the next few years. The New Testament model is for local churches to grow to the point where they can send out believers to establish other local churches in lost communities. We are praying about when and where God would have us plant a new church. While we work through this decision, it seems best to prepare our people and train our leaders for that coming day by planting a second service right where we are. When we start that second church, we will have people and leaders who have the heart and training to start and maintain that work.
I understand that change is not easy, but we can do it together for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Let us go forward as a unified church to glorify God by reaching the lost and discipling believers. May God grant us the grace and power to be the people He has called us to be!
In Christ,
Pastor Steve